Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How Coconut MandM's Saved a Man's Life

I was at the grocery store yesterday afternoon. As I was perusing the eggplants, I felt someone standing way to close to me. Then a voice said in my ear, "Damn that I never got to hit that."

I turned around to see an odious man decked out like he was a coach for a little league game with a boozy smile staring at my boobs.

As I opened my mouth to berate him with words way above his level of understanding, he got an eye-level view of what a chewed-up handful of coconut M and M's looks like.

I guess that was all the motivation he needed to flee the scene.

Bless you tiny bits of chocolately heaven. Bless you on so many levels.


  1. My ONLY grip with Coconut M&M's is that they don't come in the party size bag... those small single serving bags I'm forced to buy at checkout are TOO small... I was forced to buy TWO bags last weekend to make due. :)

  2. but they are only 68 cents! how are they making money on that? Insanity...sweet, sweet insanity...
